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Watch and read stories of hope from others below…

Jody’s Story
My story starts in 2002. I was hopeless, homeless, car less, and spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, broken. There was no hope for a 41 yr. old drug addict that could not stop using. The only hope I could find was in doing something that I really did not want to do – I had two options.

Jim’s Story
It was 9 years ago when I stumbled into Focus. I had tried an outpatient program and did ok, joined AA and had a great sponsor. He was a Vietnam Vet, sober for 27 years who knew I wasn't done. I still needed more help, relapsed…

Dustin’s Story
I was in a truly hopeless state. I came from a family of addicts. I thought it was just in my blood to lead a life of addiction.

Janice’s Story
Looking back, I understand how stressful life can become. I had my share of life experiences both good and bad…

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Find more personal stories of recovery by visiting the National Recovery Month’s YouTube Channel.