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Watch and read stories of hope from others below…

Ashley’s Video Story
Watch Ashley’s video message of hope after her struggle with an eating disorder.

Jody’s Story
My story starts in 2002. I was hopeless, homeless, car less, and spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, broken. There was no hope for a 41 yr. old drug addict that could not stop using. The only hope I could find was in doing something that I really did not want to do – I had two options.

Jim’s Story
It was 9 years ago when I stumbled into Focus. I had tried an outpatient program and did ok, joined AA and had a great sponsor. He was a Vietnam Vet, sober for 27 years who knew I wasn't done. I still needed more help, relapsed…

Kyle’s Video Story
Kyle shares how he was able to find hope during struggles with addiction.

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Find more personal stories of recovery by visiting the National Recovery Month’s YouTube Channel.